Epic fantasy, also known as high fantasy, is perhaps the oldest and most beloved subgenre in all of fantasy literature. Established favorites include The Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and Game of Thrones. What do these series have in common? Spectacular worldbuilding, battles of good and evil, numerous books, passage of time, and so much more. Ready to write your own? Get started with the epic fantasy writing prompts below!
There are many ways to use writing prompts. Some writers like to use them daily to improve their writing habit. Others like to use them to spark and complete a full story idea. One of my favorites is to set a timer and free write for fifteen minutes.
What ideas do these epic fantasy story ideas spark? Share your thoughts and flash fiction in with our friendly, welcoming community in the comments below.

Epic Fantasy Writing Prompt #1
With troubled eyes, his aged servant looked at him. "Do you care for anyone but yourself?"
He considered for a moment. "I care for my crown."
Epic Fantasy Writing Prompt #2
A mad sorcerer once controlled and maintained the magic of this land until his disappearance. Now, chaos reigns.
Epic Fantasy Writing Prompt #3
Legend says that the volcano will erupt when the next line of kings is born. It has been erupting for two months straight now.
Epic Fantasy Writing Prompt #4
Write a story that includes these three things. Ethereal wings. Fire. Deception.
Epic Fantasy Writing Prompt #5
Long ago, in the time of warriors, a man lived and died by his blade. He took it into battle, bed, and even to his grave. The blade was imbued with this fierce energy, and it is said its owner will be near unstoppable. After thousands of years, you've just found it.
Looking for more story ideas?
Read 365 Awesome Story Prompts. You'll find prompts, setting and character inspiration lists, and tips for getting unstuck. 50+ fantasy prompts are included. If you prefer a print version with space to brainstorm, try 365 Awesome Story Prompts: Journal Edition.
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